Cockfighting is a cruel blood sport that pits two roosters against each other. Spectators place bets, and the fight ends after one or both roosters die.
Cockfighting is illegal in all states. Besides being cruel to animals, cockfighting is closely connected to other crimes like gambling, drug dealing, illegal firearms sales and even homicide.
Cockfighting is illegal in all states. Besides being cruel to animals, cockfighting is closely connected to other crimes like gambling, drug dealing, illegal firearms sales and even homicide.

How does it cause animal suffering?
The birds, even those who do not die, suffer in cockfights. The birds cannot escape from the fight, regardless of how exhausted or injured they become. Common injuries include punctured lungs, broken bones, and pierced eyes. Such severe injuries occur because the birds' legs are usually fitted with razor-sharp steel blades or with gaffs, which resemble three-inch-long, curved ice picks. These artificial spurs are designed to puncture and mutilate.
It´s a big problem.